Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs

English irregular verbs list

Infinitive, Simple Past, Past Participle

Pronunciation of the word abide

abide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word alight

alight pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word arise

arise pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word awake

awake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word backslide

backslide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word be

be pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bear

bear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word beat

beat pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word become

become pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word befall

befall pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word beget

beget pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word begin

begin pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word behold

behold pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bend

bend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bereave

bereave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word beseech

beseech pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word beset

beset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bespeak

bespeak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bespread

bespread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bestrew

bestrew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bestride

bestride pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bet

bet pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word betake

betake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bethink

bethink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bid

bid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bide

bide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bind

bind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bite

bite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bleed

bleed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word blend

blend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bless

bless pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word blow

blow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word break

break pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word breed

breed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bring

bring pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word broadcast

broadcast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word browbeat

browbeat pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word build

build pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word burn

burn pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word burst

burst pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word bust

bust pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word buy

buy pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word can

can pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word cast

cast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word catch

catch pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word chide

chide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word choose

choose pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word clap

clap pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word cleave

cleave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word cling

cling pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word clothe

clothe pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word come

come pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word cost

cost pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word creep

creep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word crow

crow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word cut

cut pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word dare

dare pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word daydream

daydream pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word deal

deal pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word die

die pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word dig

dig pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word dispread

dispread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word disprove

disprove pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word dive

dive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word do

do pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word does

does pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word draw

draw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word dream

dream pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word drink

drink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word drive

drive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word dwell

dwell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word eat

eat pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word fall

fall pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word feed

feed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word feel

feel pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word fight

fight pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word find

find pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word fit

fit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word flee

flee pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word fling

fling pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word fly

fly pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forbear

forbear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forbid

forbid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word fordo

fordo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forecast

forecast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forego

forego pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word foreknow

foreknow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forerun

forerun pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word foresee

foresee pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word foreshow

foreshow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word foretell

foretell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forget

forget pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forgive

forgive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forsake

forsake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forsee

forsee pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word forswear

forswear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word freeze

freeze pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word frostbite

frostbite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word gainsay

gainsay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word get

get pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word gild

gild pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word gird

gird pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word give

give pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word go

go pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word grave

grave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word grid

grid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word grind

grind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word grip

grip pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word grow

grow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hamstring

hamstring pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hand-feed

hand-feed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word handwrite

handwrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hang

hang pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word has

has pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word have

have pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hear

hear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word heave

heave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hew

hew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hide

hide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hit

hit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hold

hold pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word hurt

hurt pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word inbreed

inbreed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word inlay

inlay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word input

input pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word inset

inset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word interbreed

interbreed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word interlay

interlay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word interweave

interweave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word interwind

interwind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word keep

keep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word kneel

kneel pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word knit

knit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word know

know pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lade

lade pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lay

lay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lead

lead pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lean

lean pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word leap

leap pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word learn

learn pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word leave

leave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lend

lend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word let

let pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lie

lie pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lie down

lie down pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word light

light pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lip-read

lip-read pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word lose

lose pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word make

make pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word may

may pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mean

mean pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word meet

meet pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word melt

melt pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word miscast

miscast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misdeal

misdeal pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misdo

misdo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misgive

misgive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mishear

mishear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mislay

mislay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mislead

mislead pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mislearn

mislearn pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misread

misread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misset

misset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misspeak

misspeak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misspell

misspell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misspend

misspend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mistake

mistake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misteach

misteach pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word misunderstand

misunderstand pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word miswrite

miswrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word mow

mow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word must

must pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word offset

offset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word ought

ought pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outbid

outbid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outbreed

outbreed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outdo

outdo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outdraw

outdraw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outdrink

outdrink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outeat

outeat pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outfight

outfight pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outfly

outfly pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outgo

outgo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outgrow

outgrow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outlay

outlay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outleap

outleap pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outpid

outpid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word output

output pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outride

outride pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outrun

outrun pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outsell

outsell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outshine

outshine pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outshoot

outshoot pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outsing

outsing pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outsit

outsit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outsleep

outsleep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outspeak

outspeak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outspend

outspend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outspread

outspread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outthink

outthink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outthrow

outthrow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outthrust

outthrust pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outwear

outwear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word outwrite

outwrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overbear

overbear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overbid

overbid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overblow

overblow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overbreed

overbreed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overbuild

overbuild pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overbuy

overbuy pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overcast

overcast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overcome

overcome pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overdo

overdo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overdraw

overdraw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overdrink

overdrink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overdrive

overdrive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overeat

overeat pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overfeed

overfeed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overfly

overfly pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overgrow

overgrow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overhang

overhang pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overhear

overhear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overlade

overlade pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overlay

overlay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overleap

overleap pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overlie

overlie pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overpay

overpay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word override

override pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overrun

overrun pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word oversee

oversee pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word oversell

oversell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overset

overset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word oversew

oversew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overshoot

overshoot pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word oversleep

oversleep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overspeak

overspeak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overspend

overspend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overspread

overspread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overtake

overtake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overthrow

overthrow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overwind

overwind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word overwrite

overwrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word partake

partake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word pay

pay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word pen

pen pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word plead

plead pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word precast

precast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word prechoose

prechoose pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word prepay

prepay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word presell

presell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word preset

preset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word proofread

proofread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word prove

prove pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word put

put pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word quick-freeze

quick-freeze pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word quit

quit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word read

read pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word reave

reave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word reawake

reawake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rebroadcast

rebroadcast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rebuild

rebuild pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word recast

recast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word recut

recut pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word redo

redo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word redraw

redraw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word reeve

reeve pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word refit

refit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word regrow

regrow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rehear

rehear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word relay

relay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word relearn

relearn pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word relight

relight pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word remake

remake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rend

rend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word repay

repay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word reread

reread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rerun

rerun pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word resell

resell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word resend

resend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word reset

reset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word resew

resew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word retake

retake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word reteach

reteach pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word retell

retell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rethink

rethink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word retread

retread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rewake

rewake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rewed

rewed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rewin

rewin pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rewind

rewind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rewrite

rewrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rid

rid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word ride

ride pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word ring

ring pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rise

rise pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word rive

rive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word run

run pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word saw

saw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word say

say pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word see

see pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word seek

seek pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sell

sell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word send

send pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word set

set pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sew

sew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shake

shake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shall

shall pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shave

shave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shear

shear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shed

shed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shine

shine pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shit

shit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shoe

shoe pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shoot

shoot pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word show

show pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shred

shred pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shrink

shrink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shrive

shrive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word shut

shut pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sight-read

sight-read pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sing

sing pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sink

sink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sit

sit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word slay

slay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sleep

sleep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word slide

slide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sling

sling pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word slink

slink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word slit

slit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word smell

smell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word smite

smite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sneak

sneak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sow

sow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word speak

speak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word speed

speed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spell

spell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spellbind

spellbind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spend

spend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spill

spill pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spin

spin pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spit

spit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word split

split pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spoil

spoil pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spoon-feed

spoon-feed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spread

spread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word spring

spring pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word stand

stand pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word stave

stave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word steal

steal pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word stick

stick pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sting

sting pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word stink

stink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word strew

strew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word stride

stride pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word strike

strike pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word string

string pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word strip

strip pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word strive

strive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sublet

sublet pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sunburn

sunburn pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word swear

swear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sweat

sweat pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word sweep

sweep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word swell

swell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word swim

swim pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word swing

swing pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word take

take pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word teach

teach pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word tear

tear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word telecast

telecast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word tell

tell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word test-drive

test-drive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word test-fly

test-fly pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word think

think pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word thrive

thrive pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word throw

throw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word thrust

thrust pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word tread

tread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word trow

trow pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word typecast

typecast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word typeset

typeset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word typewrite

typewrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unbend

unbend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unbind

unbind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unbuild

unbuild pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unclothe

unclothe pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underbid

underbid pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underbuy

underbuy pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undercut

undercut pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underdo

underdo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underfeed

underfeed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undergo

undergo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underlay

underlay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underlet

underlet pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underlie

underlie pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underpay

underpay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underrun

underrun pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undersell

undersell pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underset

underset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undershoot

undershoot pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underspend

underspend pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word understand

understand pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undertake

undertake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word underwrite

underwrite pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undo

undo pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word undraw

undraw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unfreeze

unfreeze pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word ungird

ungird pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unhang

unhang pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unhide

unhide pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unknit

unknit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unlade

unlade pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unlay

unlay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unlearn

unlearn pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unmake

unmake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unreeve

unreeve pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unsay

unsay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unset

unset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unsew

unsew pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unsling

unsling pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unspeak

unspeak pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unstick

unstick pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unstring

unstring pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unswear

unswear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unteach

unteach pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unthink

unthink pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word untread

untread pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unweave

unweave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word unwind

unwind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word upbuild

upbuild pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word upcast

upcast pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word uphold

uphold pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word uppercut

uppercut pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word uprise

uprise pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word upset

upset pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word upsweep

upsweep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word upswing

upswing pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word vex

vex pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wake

wake pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word waylay

waylay pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wear

wear pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word weave

weave pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wed

wed pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word weep

weep pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word weigh

weigh pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wet

wet pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word will

will pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word win

win pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wind

wind pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wit

wit pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word withdraw

withdraw pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word withhold

withhold pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word withstand

withstand pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word work

work pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word wring

wring pronunciation


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