Convert South African rands to Singapore Dollars

1 South African rand it's 0.07 Singapore Dollars

South African rands
Singapore Dollars

The rand (sign: R; code: ZAR) is the official currency of South Africa. The rand is subdivided into 100 cents (sign: "c"). The ISO 4217 code is ZAR, from Zuid-Afrikaanse rand (South African rand); the ZA is a historical relic from Dutch and is not used in any current context except the country abbreviation, where it is used because "SA" is allocated to Saudi Arabia (and SAR to the Saudi Arabian Riyal). The only correct Afrikaans spelling is Suid-Afrikaanse rand.

According to the average rate on:11 February 2025


According to the average rate on:11 February 2025

Analysis of exchange rate in PLN

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